As we often say, one's grief is everyone's grief.

Unfortunately, the crimes are not committed somewhere in a terrible place. It often occurs next to us - behind the fence of a neighboring construction site, in a store near the house or apartment nearby.
In the spring of this year, four citizens of Uzbekistan migrated to Almaty for work. A certain "Nurbek" offered them a job in Kazakhstan. Then handed them over to Eldos and his accomplices. The men were forced to remain at the construction site. They worked on the installation of a fence around the green zone and lived in the trailer nearby.

They managed to contact their relatives and asked for help. A representative of NGO "ISTIQBOLLI AVLOD" (Uzbekistan) came to the place. He found the men and told them that law enforcement agencies were involved in the case. He secretly took pictures of the criminals.

During the investigation, it turned out that the members of the criminal group had already gone through another case of human trafficking. Corrupt labor brokers recruited Uzbek citizens and exploited them at construction sites in Almaty and Shimkent. On this fact, a criminal case No. 102423 / 2022-4UO was initiated in the Republic of Uzbekistan under paragraphs. “b, f, h” part 2 of article 135 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (trafficking in persons).
Employees of the PF "Kargau-Astana" helped to rescue the victims. They found a shelter to accommodate them and delivered food and necessities there. Lawyers from the RSIC and the Karaganda Center "Chance" helped with the collection of photo and video materials proving the guilt of the exploiters.

Once again, the joint work of the participating organizations of the International Network of NGOs against trafficking in human beings Partnership in Action, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Consulate of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan and the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan helped people return to their homeland.

If you are interesting in combating trafficking in persons, we would love to have you as part of our volunteer team.
The web-site was developed with support of Eurasia Foundation within the project “Initiative to Combat Trafficking in Persons in Central Asia”
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